For Course Participants Only

All Mandala files below are downloadable pdf files.
Each file is 8.5" x 8.5" and will print on letter sized paper.
The color files can be used for meditation, display, crystal grids, etc.
The outlined files can be used to color any way you want,
which is a great form of meditation.
Click on the image you want to download, it will give you access to the pdf file to save to your computer.
Chakras are the 7 main energy centers of the human body.
There are the 7 Chakra Light Mandalas, 7 Chakra Shadow Mandalas, and the 5 Elements/Platonic Solids Mandalas. Each comes in 8.5” x 8.5” PDF format so they can be printed on letter sized paper at home. Each mandala comes in a color in version for you to meditate with, use as a healing tool, crystal grid, or use as a beautiful decoration in your home or office. Each mandala also comes in black and white outlined format so that you can use them as a coloring meditation, like I do!
The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire. The Octahedron represents the element of Air. The Hexahedron represents the element of Earth. The Icosahedron represents the element of Water. The Dodecahedron represents the element of Spirit (or Aether/Ether/Universe). The Platonic Solids are a form of Sacred Geometry. These solids are the five geometric solids whose faces are all identical, regular polygons, meeting at the same three-dimensional angles.
Chakras are the 7 main energy centers of the human body. Each Chakra is like a spinning vortex of energy that comes out the front AND the back of the body. Each Chakra also has the ability to hold shadow and light. Cleaning out your energy centers is an important part of any kind of light or shadow work. Finding out which Chakras are blocked or feeling funky can give clues about what traumas, emotions and feelings exist within and causing a density, or a shadow.
Sometimes we do Shadow Work in addition to our Light Work, and this can lead to going into a deeper place within ourselves to uncover density that we may or may not realize is there.
In addition to the Light Chakras ... I have channeled a unique set of mandalas that are based on the shadow energy of the Chakras. When I tapped in after their creation, asking what exactly these mandalas are for, here is the answer that I received:
"These mandalas contain more than just the shadow energies of the chakras. They contain a frequency or vibration to demagnetize various consciousnesses and thought forms from your own being that are available in 3d and 4d. If you are tapped into and attached to anything less than a 5d consciousness or thought form, the density in them can become magnetized to your own consciousness and you can carry around the potential to tap into them at any time...over and over, as often as you like. These mandalas will help you in your shadow work to become aware of, acknowledge, heal, integrate or release, transmute and de-magnetize the denser shadow consciousnesses and thought forms that are ready to be detached. These mandalas hold the space through sacred geometry, color, vibration, frequency, and light codes to ease you through the process of shadow work on a whole other level than what you are used to."
Crown Chakra
Located at the very top of our skull. The Crown Chakra is our connection to Spirit/Universe.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Crown Light: Purple ~ Crown Shadow: Silver
Third Eye Chakra
Located in the center of the forehead and associated with the Pineal gland in our brain. The Third Eye Chakra is the center of our knowledge and intuition and connects us to all of the “clairs”: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, etc.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Third Eye Light: Indigo ~ Third Eye Shadow: Purple
Throat Chakra
Located in the center of our throat. The Throat Chakra is connected to our inner voice and our ability to communicate and create.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Throat Light: Light Blue ~ Throat Shadow: Navy Blue
Heart Chakra
Located in the center of our chest. The Heart Chakra is the seat of our soul, our access to our true source self, and where we ideally need to operate from.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Heart Light: Green ~ Heart Shadow: Forest Green
Solar Plexus Chakra
Located just below the rib cage. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of our personal power.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Solar Plexus Light: Yellow ~ Solar Plexus Shadow: Black and Gold
Sacral Chakra
Located in the center of our gut. The Sacral Chakra is connected to our emotions and sexuality.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Sacral Light: Orange ~ Sacral Shadow: Burnt Orange and Turquoise
Root Chakra
Located at the base of our spine. The Root Chakra is the center of our survival and security, as well as our connection to Gaia/Earth.
This energy center is represented by the colors: Root Light: Red ~ Root Shadow: Maroon
PLEASE NOTE BELOW: The "Light" Chakra Mandalas are in the first section. The "Shadow" Chakra Mandalas are in the second section.
The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire. The Octahedron represents the element of Air. The Hexahedron represents the element of Earth. The Icosahedron represents the element of Water. The Dodecahedron represents the element of Spirit (or Aether/Ether/Universe). The Platonic Solids are a form of Sacred Geometry. These solids are the five geometric solids whose faces are all identical, regular polygons, meeting at the same three-dimensional angles. The creation elements mandalas have been channeled using Sacred Geometry, numbers, colors, and concepts, that represent each element’s energy. When you use these mandalas, you will be accessing the energy, vibration, and frequency of each element to help you with any intuitive or energetic work based on how that element shows up in your life.
The destruction” mandala encompass vastly different energies and meanings than their “Creation” counterparts. Each mandala (except for Aether) contains the Creation element image of itself in the very center, after all Destruction can only come after the Creation, and through Destruction itself then Creation can begin again. When you use these mandalas, you will be accessing the excess of energy, vibration, and frequency of each element to help you with any intuitive or energetic work based on how the over-abundance of these elements shows up or needs to show up in your life. These mandalas show you where you might need to look deeper within your energy or your life to find where this particular element and all that it represents, may already be wreaking havoc in destruction mode or may be needed to cause a re-set.
Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire. It is 4 sided, and has 4 faces, 4 points and 6 edges.
This element is represented by the colors: Creation: Red ~ Destruction: Maroon and Gold.
Octahedron represents the element of Air. It is 8 sided and has 8 faces, 6 points, and 12 edges. This element is represented by the colors: Creation: Light Blue ~ Destruction: Gray.
Hexahedron represents the element of Earth. It is 6 sided and has 6 faces, 8 points, and 12 edges. This element is represented by the colors: Creation: Green ~ Destruction: Muddy Green & Brown.
Icosahedron represents the element of Water. It is 20 sided and has 20 faces, 12 points, and 30 edges. This element is represented by the colors: Creation: Royal Blue ~ Destruction: Navy Blue.
Dodecahedron Dodecahedron: represents the element of Spirit (or Aether/Ether/Universe). It is 12 sided and has 12 faces, 20 points, and 30 edges. The Stellated Dodecahedron represents balance in universal truth and expression, and accessing highest consciousnesses. It is more of a form of stillness as opposed to destruction, after all creation of all came out of the stillness of all-that-is. Stellation means: In three dimensions, stellation means constructing a new polyhedron from an existing one by a process of extending elements such as edges or faces, usually in a symmetrical way, until they meet to form a new polygon or polyhedron.
This element is represented by the colors: Creation: Purple ~ Stillness: Black and Bronze.
PLEASE NOTE BELOW: The "Creation" Elements Mandalas are in the first section. The "Destruction" Elements Mandalas are in the second section.