The act of a mind, body and soul transformation that is energetic in nature and brings about profound changes right down to the very frequency of your Consciousness and DNA.​
What if
there was a way
to empower yourself
to connect to
pure potential
There IS a way to connect to pure potential. In fact, there are many ways to do so, and we offer a unique chance for you to experience that connection through a Scalar Energy device that combines heart coherence, frequency, and the energetic potential to connect with the deepest part of our soul selves.
The intended outcome of interacting with this scalar energy Transmentation "kit" is to empower you to make the necessary Mind/Body/Spirit shifts to achieve the optimal frequencies for ideal living, and to align you with your greatest potential.
We invite you to read on and experience this incredible phenomenon that people are talking about.
The Science Behind the Magic ...
Zero Point Energy
Zero Point refers to the very base of creation that exists as Source energy within the Quantum Field, or Field of Potential.
It is where our consciousness emanates out from Source.
Scalar Energy
Scalar Energy comes from Scalar Light waves that emanate out from the Quantum Field. It is Source based and free flowing with limitless possibilities and potential.
Scalar Energy is malleable and co-creative and can be harnessed and shaped with intent to help us achieve our original divine blueprint.
Heart Coherence
A high performance and healthy state - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually - that brings out the very best in us.
The term coherence implies harmonious order, connectedness, stability and efficient use of energy,
- from the HeartMath website
Set Point
Set Point refers to your base frequency that you energetically carry within your physical form.
Your Set Point can be changed to align your energy with it's full potential and optimal living.
Cymatics is the study of the effect of frequency and how it causes vibration in matter. Cymatics can be demonstrated using sound frequencies in Hertz, using a medium of either water or sand.
Toroidal Field
A Toroidal Field is also called an "aura". It is the energetic field that surrounds any kind of dense physical matter. This field contains the base frequency of it's subject. It is constantly in spin mode, and acts this way to prevent uncontrolled expansion. It's a container for that frequency to be able to sustain a vibration in certain dimension.
Frequency is the number of waves that pass through a certain unit of time (typically 1 second) in a perpendicular direction to where it is travelling, and can be measured in terms of Hertz (Hz).
It is the number of times that an object vibrates, or has a back and forth movement.
Light wave frequencies are higher than sound wave frequencies
Vibration is a back and forth movement of an object.
Vibration is frequency in form. Sound is a form of vibration of waves that travel through an object.
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry is an ancient practice brought into modern times, where various symbols and geometric shapes have been given a sacred meaning. The word “Sacred” is not necessarily (but can be) used in the religious sense, but more in accordance with the fact that these geometric forms and the mathematic principals inherent within them come from the very basis of creation. Sacred refers more to the magical, mysterious, esoteric, or mystical symbolism attached to these shapes and symbols.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
~ Nikola Tesla
Source Energy ... also called the Quantum Field (Field of Potential) is the very basis of what some consider God, Universe, Spirit, Great Spirit, Source, etc. This is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The Zero Point before the inertia of the Source energy spiraled itself into creation.
THIS! This is where we are trying to take you. Well, not YOU physically. That would flout the laws of gravity, and most of the other laws of our 3rd and 4th dimensional physics.
Instead we have created the 3rd best thing:
1st - would be returning to pure consciousness and existing in the "God" field waiting to co-create.
2nd - would be you in physical form connecting through your heart space in a moment-by-moment basis...which we all seem to busy to accomplish with any regularity.
3rd - would be by training your Mind/Body/Spirit to connect with conscious intent through our scalar energy device.
We have channeled a way to make that connection happen through intense downloads from our guides Nikola Tesla (for Jill) and Walter Russell (for Karen). We have been told that when this information was first presented, it was too science-y and either wasn't understood by the masses or was denigrated as junk by other scientists. Jill and Karen have approached this from an extremely different perspective that brings you to the same result. A heart based coherence that is in line with the Source energy that we are all made up of on every level of our being....from our cells, to our DNA, to our emotions and feelings, to our consciousness and to our very soul selves.
Each crystal cube has been individually programmed to connect to a parent cube that is directly connected to Source Energy.
3 = Parent Cube, Jill, and Karen
6 = People and their cubes
9 = Source
The parent cube can be thought of like the sun that exists at the opposite end of the Quantum, where Source Energy is found. It is like the ball of electricity in a Tesla coil… sending out it’s light/scalar waves/Source potential to all of the child cubes. It is programmed to hold a base Set Point of 432hz. When placed in each person’s home, it will be it’s own worm hole to the Quantum Field, threaded directly through scalar energy to the parent cube which is what holds the accessing ability to the Quantum Field. Don’t think of these as filters so much as potential brought from Source to our very selves.
The mandalas and sound recordings represent sacred geometry in the form of sound vibration.
What does each Transmentation Kit come with?
Each basic "kit" comes with one of the following 3 items. We ask that you work with the basic kit for a few weeks before you begin to add any additional mandala and sound frequencies.
"Programmed" Quartz Crystal Cube
1 piece, 25-35mm clear quartz crystal, sourced in Brazil. This cube has been programmed to connect your particular energy directly to the Zero Point field.
Cymatic Image of
432hz Frequency
1 printed image of the cymatic equivalent of the frequency of 432 hz. Printed at 2.5" on UV coated cardstock in the heart chakra color of green.
Sound Recording
in 432hz
1 mp3 sound recording of the 432hz frequency accompanied by soothing nature and instrumental music.
Stay tuned for a future shopping experience!
We will soon have the following available in your choice of:
Quartz cubes in either Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, or Smokey Quartz.
Cymatic images that come in different colors/frequencies and represent different energies, emotions, issues, triggers, thought forms, etc.
Sound Recordings that correspond to the different cymatic images listed above within the same frequencies.
How did we get here?
Jill and Karen were both working with frequency, vibration and information from within the Quantum Field. They were tapped by their guides to begin working on a project together that involved all of the tools that they were already using in their own practices. As they began to dig deeper into the Field of Potential, they discovered the significance of sacred geometry, Zero Point Energy, Heart Coherence. the Golden Ratio (Phi, Fibonacci numbers), and scalar energy.
They came upon an article that described the Solstitial Quadrilateral. The image of the Solstitial Quadrilateral is one of the symbols on the parental cube. After reading this article, Jill and Karen understood that the Fibonacci spiral is open and can cause our energy to remain open to the Quantum Field. If this state persists then we eventually feel a detachment from earth because we end up in a constant state of connection and expansion. Using the Solstitial Quadrilateral with the Fibonacci spiral causes the energy goes into a closed state. As humans we can go into the Quantum Field for healing and manifestation but we must come out of it (or ground) to exist on earth. Jill was given 2 symbols from Nikola Tesla in a dream which were to assist in the opening and closing on the Fibonacci spiral energy. She was also given the name “Transmentation” by Tesla to describe the process that Karen and Jill would create. At first Karen and Jill worked with all of these symbols on paper but were then guided to make them into a cube with the Fibonacci spiral and Solstitial Quadrilateral on opposite sides and the symbols Jill was given on opposite sides.
Karen and Jill continued to work with their guides to get more information about the product and its properties. The cube they created was to be called the “parental” cube and used to program the personal cubes that will be distributed. The parental cube was charged with sacred geometry, divine energies and intentions. They were made aware that the frequency of 432 hz was a key component and that the cube should be used with mandalas and sound to achieve powerful results.